
Search by Scientist

Page history last edited by Chad 14 years, 10 months ago

TEKS Objective  ยง113.22.b.20.A.

The student understands the relationships among science and technology and political, economic, and social issues and events. The student is expected to give examples of scientific discoveries and technological innovations, including the roles of scientists and inventors, that have transcended the boundaries of societies and have shaped the world


Robert G Aitken

Guillame Amontons

Frederick Augustus Barnard

Ruth Benedict

Charles Bonnet

Annie Jump Cannon

Harold Conn

Sir John Warcup Cornforth 

George Dougherty

Tilly Edinger

Thomas Alva Edison

Gustaf Ekeberg 

Sir John Ambrose Fleming

John Goodricke

Oliver Heaviside

Anthony Hajna

Olaf Hassel

Frank Hochman

David James

Donald Kidd

Harry Lang

Henrietta Swan Leavitt

Leo Lesquereux

James Logan

James C Marsters 

Gerald McCarthy 

Thomas Meehan 

Fielding Bradford Meek

Gideon Moore

Henri Nicolle

Joseph Sauveur  

Charlotte Angus Scott

Nansie Sharpless

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky 

Robert Weitbrecht 



 Scientist's page includes experiment videos. 

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