Robert G. Aitken discovered 3,030 binary stars during his career. He also studied Satellites from Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune and a few comets.
Picture Courtesy Sonoma State University
TEKS Objective References.
§112.22.b.13.A (Science 6th Grade).The student knows components of our solar system. The student is expected to identify characteristics of objects in our solar system including the Sun, planets, meteorites, comets, asteroids, and moons.
§112.24.b.13.A. (Science 8th Grade). The student knows characteristics of the universe. The student is expected to describe characteristics of the universe such as stars and galaxies.
Helpful Websites
Planet Profiles. This Web site has a profile of each planet including diameter, distance from the Sun, temperature ranges, the length of a day and year, and the number of satellites (moons).
Google Sky. This is similar to Google Earth, except it is for viewing Space. Students can view real interactive screen shots of planets, constellations, and more.
Google Moon. This is similar to Google Earth, except it is for viewing the Moon. Students can see the landing spots of the different Apollo Missions as well as interactively explore the surface of the Moon.
Interactive astronomy. This website has information on each planet, the moons of the solar system, and asteroids and comets. This site has an application where students can create their own solar system. It also includes printable information pages about each planet.
Teaching Resources
Semantic Feature Analysis Grid for Planets. Planet Semantic Feature Analysis Grid.doc. Posted by Jennifer Borgman,
Interactive Applet of Binary Stars. This animation shows binary stars in their orbit. Click here.
Interactive Applet of a Comet's Trail. This animation shows how comets travel and the potential for comets to collide with other solid objects, such as planets. You can also see a simulation of a meteor shower. Click here.
Interactive Applet of How a Telescope Works. This applet shows how light is reflected in three different kinds of telescopes. Click here.
Solar System Lesson Plan: This is an interactive activity that will help children understand and see visually how the Solar System revolves around the sun.
Craft: Glow in the Dark Planet Chart: This is a fun activity that can be used to reinforce a lesson on the planets.
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