

Page history last edited by Jennifer Johnson 16 years, 1 month ago


This wiki was designed to serve as an online resource for classroom teachers of the deaf. We strive to make it easy to use, and up-to-date so that teachers will be able to locate the materials they are seeking. Please be sure to follow a few simple guidelines while posting to this wiki:


  • Please post links to Web resources under the appropriate category(ies). 


  • Please follow the following format: Subject (in bold): brief description. Web address. Posted by (name) with an e-mail address if you don't mind other teachers contacting you (in bold italics). When posting please use no font larger than 'small'. 


  • Please make sure that all Web resources posted are educational in nature, and are appropriate for use in a K-12 classroom. 


  • If you choose to post an image of any type other than clipart, that has been taken from the Internet, please reference the image immediately under the image. As educators, we need to encourage honesty and responsibility in using Web-based materials.


Formatting for Search by Scientist pages:

  • Picture of scientist (if available)
  • Short bio-sketch
  • TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills) Objective References
    • If your reference is not a TEKS reference please cite it.
  • Helpful Web sites (to be used by students)
  • Teaching Resources (lesson plans, videos, graphic organizers, Power Points, etc.)

Information posted on the scientists' pages should be directly related to what the scientist studied.


Formatting for Search by Subject pages:

  • Pictures of scientist that fall within the subject (if available)
  • TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills) Objective References
    • If your reference is not a TEKS reference please cite it.
  • Helpful Web sites (to be used by students)
  • Teaching Resources (lesson plans, videos, graphic organizers, Power Points, etc.)

Information posted on the subject pages should be information that does directly relate to any particular science.  Rather it is information related to the subject as a whole.

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